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Project Manager

Télécharger le fichierDr Stéphane GUERARD

As the OLA research project-manager, he wrote his Ph.D. in public law (University of Paris II – Panthéon-Assas). He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Lille 2 and a member of CERAPS (Centre d’études et de recherches administratives, politiques et sociales, a research-unit (UMR 8026) co-funded by CNRS and the University of Lille II). He is a member of the AIRMAP (international  association of public management) and of the Société Française de législation comparée. He is the author and co-ordinator of various books and papers on local democracy, decentralization and local government law.
Lien externe - Ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtrehttp://ceraps.univ-lille2.fr/fr/chercheurs/stephane-guerard.html

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"Mission conference"

Télécharger le fichierDr. Arnaud SCAILLEREZ

Doctor in sciences of management and jurist of public law at the University of Lille 1 and Lille 2, member of the laboratory of the CERAPS (UMR CNRS(UMR National Center for Scientific Research) n°8026) and of the LEM (UMR CNRS(UMR National Center for Scientific Research) n°8179). He is also member of the team of coordination of the Master's degree " public Action" at the University of Lille 2 (mention" Political and public Action" (PAP)), responsible for the speciality Management of regions with a measure of autonomy ( MCT) - M2 PAP - Faculty of law of Lille and responsible for the course territorial manager (5th year of university mention PAP; speciality MCT). His researches concern essentially the public law, more specifically law of the territorial public service and the law of the decentralization, as well as on the public management, more particularly on the processes of recruitment, training and the concepts of performance, efficiency and public efficiency.

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"Mission communication"

Télécharger le fichierDr. Brigitte VINCENT

A Senior Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, a member of GRECCAP-CERCCLE (Groupement de Recherches Comparatives en droit Constitutionnel, Administratif et Politique ; Centre de Recherches Comparatives sur les Constitutions, les Libertés et l’Etat,  Comparative Research unit in Constitutional and Administrative Law and Policies; Centre for Comparative Research on Constitutions, Liberties and the State), she focuses her research work on political regimes across East and Central Europe and compared constitutional law. She mainly teaches constitutional law and the law of fundamental liberties. Her recent publications include « Les nouveaux pouvoirs du juge en matière de contrôle de constitutionnalité des lois », in Le pouvoir judiciaire, Institul European, 2011 ; « Une catégorie atypique de juges constitutionnels : les membres de droit du Conseil Constitutionnel français », in Le rôle et la place des Cours constitutionnelles dans le système des autorités publiques, Institul European, April 2010 ; « L’influence de la Constitution de 1958 sur le constitutionnalisme Est-européen », in Politéia, December 2009 ; « Et la fonction idéologique des constitutions ? », in Démocratie et Liberté, Mélanges offerts à Slobodan Milacic, Bruylant 2008, pp.251-271, « La typologie classique des régimes politiques à l’épreuve du constitutionnalisme est-européen », in L’évolution des concepts de la doctrine classique de droit constitutionnel, Genovena Vrabie (dir.), Institul European, 2008.  .

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"Mission communication EU"

Télécharger le fichierNathalie NOUPADJA

Junior searcher within CRDEI (Montesquieu University, Bordeaux IV), Nathalie Noupadja is graduating a PhD under Pr. Olivier Dubos' direction. Former manager of Europinvest Free Zone Srl, Rumania (2008 – 2010), she was in charge of operational management and internal organization, initiative and implementation of commercial strategies, public relations and internal communication. In 2007-2008, she was a European projects representative at the Lille Institute of Political Studies: submission and implementation of European research projects and operation of the projects and new policies of the Institute such as democratisation (PEI project), special rights, evaluation indicators. In 2007 she wrote a feasibility study for the Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council on implementing a Euro-regional platform for engineering cultural joint French-British programs. Her main fields of interest are European affairs, international relations, public administration. Her skills refer to project management, reporting, recruitment, training, public relations, etc.

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"Mission Europe and world"

Télécharger le fichierDr. Carolina Camila GUTIERREZ RUIZ

Ph.D. in political science at CERAPS (Centre d’Études et de Recherches Administratives, Politiques et Sociales at the University of Lille North of France). Her research-work mainly deals with the process of decentralization in Chile from a transnational and public policy- related perspective. Her recent publications include Gouvernance et réseaux épistémiques: l’exemple de la politique de décentralisation au Chili (Governance and epistemic networks: the example of the politics of decentralization in Chile), Gouvernance, 2008 (Spring) 5 (1), pp. 47-59, in collaboration with Bastien Sibille and El rol de las relaciones interpersonales en el proceso de elaboración y puesta en marcha de la política de descentralización en Chile, Redes, 2009, 16 (10): 250-268.
Lien externe - Ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtrehttp://ceraps.univ-lille2.fr/fr/chercheurs/carolina-gutierrez.html

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Télécharger le fichierDr. Marcel MORITZ

After his Ph.D. in public law at the University of Aix-en-Provence, he has been appointed as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Lille 2. A member of CERAPS (Center for Studies and Researches with regard to Administration, Politics and Sociology ; UMR 8026, CNRS), his work focuses on media law and planning law. At the crossroads of these themes, he wrote his Ph.D. on local authorities’ control of outdoor advertising in which decentralization and transferred responsibilities is an important issue. Awarded by the Varenne Foundation and with a special prize for dissertations on urban policies, his work has been published by LGDJ publishers.

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"Mission financing"

Télécharger le fichierAlexandre FAUQUETTE

Ph.D. candidate in Political Science with the financial support of a C.I.F.R.E. agreement between the Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council, CERAPS and the School of Doctoral Studies at the University of Lille 2. His topic deals with democracy and health policy : users’ room and role for in health policies and programs. He is a junior lecturer in Political Science (Economic and Social Administration Degree and Political Science Master Degree on National and Local Policy – in expectation of the final results of the selecting process) at the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences. He wrote his M.Sc. Dissertation on the voting system at local elections in Lithuania (2009, Magna cum laude distinction).

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Télécharger le fichierDr Irène BOUHADANA

 A Senior Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, she is the co-director of the Master Degree in E-administration in public and private sector and a founding member and secretary-general of the Institut du Monde et du Développement (IMODEV, Word and Development Institute), a pluri-disciplinary research network on major international issues and public policies for developing societies in the world. She is the editor of the Revue de l’Institut du Monde et du Développement (RIMD), a scientific journal with international peer review. She also is a member of the Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS, Institute for law research at Sorbonne), within the department of Public Economic Law; a member of Groupement de recherche sur l’administration locale en Europe (GRALE) and of CERAPS. She teaches and devotes her research work to, constitutional law, public institutions and local government through a comparative approach (constitutional law, public administration law and management) and to E-government law. She has developed her studies about France, Russia, the Czech Republic and Vietnam. She recently wrote a book and several papers that have been published in France and in foreign reviews (in Russia and in the Czech Republic)  Lien externe - Ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtrehttp://www.imodev.org/conseildadminist/index.html

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Télécharger le fichierDr William GILLES

 A Senior Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne ((UFR 01), he is the director of the degree in Public Administration and co-director of the Master degree in E-administration in public and private sector; a founder-member and chairman of the Institut du Monde et du Développement (IMODEV, Word and Development Institute), a pluri-disciplinary research network on major international issues and public policies for developing societies in the world. He is the editor of the Revue de l’Institut du Monde et du Développement (RIMD), a scientific journal with international peer review. He also belongs to the Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS, Institute for law research at Sorbonne), within the department of Public Economic Law; to the Groupement de recherche sur l’administration locale en Europe (GRALE) and CERAPS. He is a member of the scientific committee of Vhyb, la ville hybride (the Hybrid City) and of the ad-hoc committee on constitutions and taxation systems of the Club des Juristes (Jurists Club). He teaches and devotes his research work to, public administration (central and local government, national social security system) and especially topics related to public finance, taxation, public management, E-admnistration law and local autonomy. He has developed his studies about France, Russia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Africa and Vietnam. He wrote two books on public finance and more recently papers for French and foreign journals (Czech republic and Russia) on local government and local authorities’ budgets.  : Lien externe - Ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtrehttp://www.imodev.org/conseildadminist/index.html

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"Mission translation"

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"Mission coordination of the teams "

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Télécharger le fichierDr. Marie-Anne Vanneaux

Docteur en droit public de l'Université de Lille 2 depuis novembre 2005, elle est Maître de conférences à la Faculté de droit Alexis de Tocqueville ( Université d'Artois), membre du Laboratoire "Ethique et Procédures" ( EA 2471) et du Pôle d'Enseignement et de Recherche Lille-Nord de France. Elle a dirigé un Master 2 de Gestion et Droit des collectivité territoriale et elle est notamment expert permanent auprès du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique ( F.N.R.S.) ( Bruxelles). Ses domaines de recherches portent principalement sur le Droit public des affaires, les Entreprises publiques, le Droit de la concurrence, le Droit de la régulation économique, les interventions économiques des Collectivités territoriales et les Finances Publiques étatiques et locales.

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Gabriela Condurache is graduated from the University of Constanta and the University of Lille 2. She fulfilled a French- Romanian M.A. in Administration Sciences, given at Constanta by a team of French academics of the Faculty of law, Politics and Social Sciences of Lille. Phd student within the Universities of Bucharest and Lille 2 (CERAPS), she has now taken a new course of 3 years scholarship at the University of Lille 2. Her thesis concerns: "Legal challenges of the Romanian civil service: between tradition and modernization". The Public Administration law apart, her main interests are Decentralization and comparative law, sociology of organizations (especially of Public Administrations).

"Mission New Technologies"

Télécharger le fichierDr. Nicolas Desrumaux

He is a researcher in Public Law established in Lille Nord-de-France University (France). During last decade, his PhD and academic works purposed new approaches of human rights. Specially, he studies social function of property rights in Europe. Interested in all fields of Human Rights Law, his works include non-discrimination aspects, extraterritoriality of law, Drittwirkung and Law and Technology. Then from 2001 until today, he teaches European Law and International Law in Universities (Lille, Constanţa, …) and at other trade schools (Paris, Lyon, Toulouse). He contributes to organize conferences and seminars about international and European topics, like Iraq Inquiry, Lebanon « consensiciative » system, e-administration and boarderlines, …Recently he turns his attention to Technology and Law : from 2007 until today, he get involved in public and private partnerships research programs, in which he works to implement Human Rights into technological process, discoveries and tools. Actually, he is writing papers about privacy and the horizontal effects of human Rights.

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Thematic commission: The history of the decentralization in Europe

Télécharger le fichierPr. Nicolas WAREMBOURG

Short CV about to come


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